Anna’s New Born Kittens – Open For Waiting List

We welcomed these adorable kittens at the start of August. They are all strong, healthy, and cute now! They are golden-shaded British shorthair (NY11), golden-shaded British longhair (NY12), and golden point-shaded British longhair (NY1133).

We will grade them and set the price when they are 1.5-2 months old. Thanks for your patience! You are very welcome to join our waitlist for them.

Name: Beru
Gender: Female
Color: Golden Shaded NY12
Fur Type: Longhair
A sweet boy with droopy eyes that I cannot resist 🥹

Name: Ben
Gender: Male
Color: Golden Point Shaded NY1133
Fur Type: Longhair
He is a quiet and affectionate boy. I can tell that he likes being around me!

Name: Camie
Gender: Female
Color: Golden Shaded NY11
Fur Type: Shorthair
I couldn’t believe that Anna had given birth to Revi again. Brother and sister share the same face!

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In case we couldn’t contact you by email.
The coat color you preferred
The fur type you preferred
The performance level you preferred
[Pet A Level] Sweet and adorable, healthy with a great personality, making it a perfect family pet. [Pet S Level] Nearly perfect face structure, well-developed body, and great personality. Suitable for breeding and likely to win titles at cat shows.
We need a 500 CAD deposit to secure your place on the waiting list which will be used for your future payment.
This deposit is fully refundable if you do not choose a kitten you like within 2 years. We will send you the payment methods (e-transfer, PayPal and etc) by email.
Also, you can forward us any concerns you have.
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